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The billing module allows customers to create price plans, rate traffic near-real time against this pricing, and create end of month invoices within minutes.


Invoices can be tailored with the SP company logo and payment details. Invoices can be grouped per cost center or price plan, including or excluding CDRs.

When the invoice is generated, it can be emailed automatically and it is available as a PDF and Excel file. 

Provisioning and Monitoring

Digital Skies is the industry leader in providing Billing and Provisioning services for the satellite industry. In cooperation with Pragmalogic, it developed a platform (IBIS) that performs complex calculations and mediations on a real time basis. All L-band, VSAT and cellular services can be (re)billed. Provisioning modules are available for all major satellite operators. IBIS is integrated with all the large accounting systems.

Provisioning and Monitoring

Colocation / PoP

In three strategic parts of the world Digital Skies owns, manages and operates its PoPs connected to a global redundant network infrastructure. This enables partners to offer satellite IP services with the least amount of latency and fully integrated with PoP, firewall, billing and/or provisioning services.

Digital Skies developed a platform that enables Distribution Partners (DPs) and/or Service Providers to operate its own redundant PoP without building this from scratch. It can be fully integrated with the billing and provisioning module (IBIS). The PoP platform has an integrated firewall that enables the DP/SP and its end-users to perform both packet and UTM filtering services. In addition, the DP/SP has access to various tools which enables partners to remotely manage the platform(s) themselves and in addition have a number of health monitors available in order to proactively supports its customer base.

Global Network Infrastructure